Layer Sixteen, Week Two – Sunday
- Read Week One Concepts
- Watch videos and read description for Stagnant and Compressed
- Do Movement – Stagnant and Compressed
Sunday’s Focus
Explore the areas of your life, body, relationships, and interactions that feel stagnant. Get to know and feel where, when, and how you stagnate.
Sunday’s Concepts
You will spend the next few weeks exploring the relationship individual energy configurations have with the bodies, Essence, and Hara.
Let’s start with Stagnant. First, remember that the natural state of energy is movement, change. If energy is stagnant, there is active containment happening. So, if you, any of your bodies, components, or relationships feel stagnant, it is because you are actively containing the energies present.
Stagnation is opportunity overpowered by the fear of change.
Stagnation feels like there is no energy present because of the diametric opposition of energies canceling each other out. Movement wants to happen (100%) and fear doesn’t want movement to happen (-100%) with the result being the feeling of zero energy.
As you reduce, relax, or soften your fear, the movement of energy starts to gain momentum. Movement happens … and stagnation disappears.
Monday’s Focus
Play with bringing the energy of playfulness to your areas of stagnation. Feel how challenging it is to get chronically stagnant energy moving.
Monday’s Concepts
One of the innumerable reasons that playfulness is so powerful is that it necessitates that you relax your defenses. As you add Essence to playfulness, fear recedes. It has to. Once you start being playful, fear evaporates.
As you make a habit of embracing playfulness, you forget what it feels like to be afraid.
Hara brings an intentionality to playfulness. You decide you will be playful more often and begin searching for opportunities to increase the frequency and amplitude.
Playfulness isn’t frivolity or immaturity, it is the welcoming of energy, extreme tolerance, and an overwhelming desire to authentically commune with the potentials present. Playful is enlivened. Essence enlivens. Hara makes the desire for enlivenment intentional.
Tuesday’s Focus
Explore what images, beliefs, or fears are present in your stagnant energies.
Tuesday’s Concepts
Compressive gets your attention. Compressive differs from stagnant in that it generates heightened sensitivity. It is the rumbling of the volcano that precedes the eruption. It might never erupt, but it lets you know it could if it wanted to. It is pressurized. You are much more likely to be triggered when your energy is compressed. Makes sense, right?
Compressive can be passive aggressive but it is always defensive. It is a marshaling of energy toward some projected future threat or as a container for resentment or past suffering. Compressive energies are structured as beliefs about yourself, others, or the world. They are buttons ready to be pushed and triggers ready to be pulled.
Think about and feel into the last time you were angry. The feeling sensations of anger are compressed energies. A lot of what you are able to feel is because the energies compress. Anxiety, anticipation, expectation, demand, judgment, worry, jealousy, envy, humiliation, irritation, exasperation, etc., all are easy to feel when there is more sensation condensed into a smaller space. The more energy, the more sensation.
Wednesday’s Focus
See if you can distinguish the different qualities of the stagnant and compressed energy configurations. Do you feel compressive more powerfully? Is compressive more compelling?
Wednesday’s Concepts
You have a bunch of choices on how you might decompress or begin uncompressing your energies. All of the unconscious choices will be reactive. There is no long-term benefit when you reactively decompress. Lashing out in anger, being exaggeratedly emotional, biting your fingernails, spending money on things you really don’t need, eating junk food, calling old flames, obsessing about (insert your pet peeve here). Anything that you do without a conscious and intentional decision will help to relieve the discomfort of compression. In the concepts, I have referred to this as diffusion, dysfunction, and habitual patterns. You vent your energy to return to some more familiar energy level. You vent to relieve the pressure.
When you are present and aware enough to make your decompression conscious, your choices can have long-term benefits. If I am feeling compressed, I can choose some movement that is in-line with my intentions. I can use Hara to determine the method my energy will move. I can infuse those decisions with my Essence to give them depth, breadth, and momentum.
If I find my energy compressing into something I label as anger, I can let that energy begin to move by exploring its nature. I know that if I am angry, I have an excess of energy, I have a demand, and I have a fear that is being triggered. As I deconstruct my anger into its essential parts, it begins to move. The act of deconstruction separates the energy, that separation requires the energy to move. As I deconstruct my anger, the energy begins to move, like pulling a slice of pizza out of the box. Once it starts to move, it will be much more likely to continue to move. Mmmmm, pizza.
One of the ways I can use Essence to encourage decompression to continue is to infuse my exploration of the anger with curiosity, playfulness, and humor. Laughing is incredibly decompressive, and it has short and long-term benefits.
Playfully examining your foibles and the ability to find humor in your shortcomings allows your compressive energies to disperse in a very healthy way because the released energy is absorbed and incorporated into your energy field where it is then available for immediate use. (Wow, that was a long sentence.)
When you vent reactively, the energy is lost. When you vent responsibly, you are directing your energy toward something beneficial. Beneficial energies have a positive return on investment – you get back more than you put in.
Thursday’s Focus
Pick a few of the beliefs behind some of your compressive configurations and begin to deconstruct and decompress them. What demand, fear, and energy excess exist? How can you bring curiosity, wonder, and humor to help get them moving?
Thursday’s Concepts
You will feel compressive and stagnant energy configurations in all your bodies. Physically, compression and stagnation are static tension or energy that doesn’t seem to be moving. Most of your non-beneficial emotions will be compressive. Emotions that you don’t feel safe experiencing will feel probably feel stagnant. If your parents told you it was bad to feel proud of yourself, the emotion of self-appreciation will probably feel pretty stagnant. It will be hard to muster, so you bluster and fluster.
Mentally, when you ruminate, it compresses mental energy. When conflicting thoughts cancel each other out, you feel stuck or stagnant.
Environmentally, anyplace that feels heavy, dense, cloying, or suffocating is probably because the energy is compressed or stagnant. Places with very little energy moving feel stagnant … because very little energy is being allowed to move.
Let’s look at how compressive energy configurations influence your components. The seven components are focus, speed, strength, flexibility, rejuvenation, stability, and endurance.
In the components, compression makes progress more difficult. As your focus compresses, you get stuck. As your strength compresses, it is less accessible. When speed compresses it slows down because the density causes friction. Compression inhibits flexibility because compression is by definition inflexible. There is less room to move in an overcrowded room. Rejuvenation is also impeded by compression because new energies can’t occupy space already occupied. There is no room to put new food in a refrigerator stuffed full of old food.
Friday’s Focus
Continue your exploration of deconstruction. Consciously infuse Essence into the process and experience what happens. Be determined, be playfully resolute.
Friday’s Concepts
Stability is an interesting one to consider vis-à-vis compression. On the surface, it would seem like the denser something is, the more stable it is. Ice is more stable than water, toffee is more stable than sugar, etc.
The stability you are reaching for isn’t immovable, it is determined, resolute, and persistent. Hara creates unwavering stability. Hara is about determining your objectives and then constantly altering your path, actions, and movements to ensure maximum growth, advancement, and improvement. The trajectory is toward fluid or elastic stability.
Remember Forrest Gump? That dude was stable. He set his mind to something and he did it regardless of what got in his way. He found a way by maintaining his intention and making whatever movement was necessary until he succeeded. Unwavering Hara!
Saturday’s Focus
Play with feeling stagnant and compressive energies in others and your environment. Deconstruct and infuse those energies with Essence and note the results.
Saturday’s Concepts
Endurance requires that energy move. Solid rocket fuel does nothing until it is ignited. Your endurance is dependent upon your reserves being available, moving from storage to point of need. Compressed energy is energy held in suspension. You are creating a force that holds your energy in place. Compressed energy creates a double deficit. You don’t have access to what’s compressed and you are expending energy to hold it in place.
Softening your defensive posturing is one of the best ways to get the compressed energies to begin to move. Essence empowers and enlivens softening. Hara sets the intention. As you upwell and expand your Essence, your fears subside. Fear is the box that holds each of your compressed energies. Anger, resentment, jealousy, depression, frustration, and the like are all labels you give to the energy you are compressing.
Essence enlivens. It gets stagnant and compressed energy moving. Hara identifies stagnant and compressed energy as underutilized and encourages you to conscript it in your hierarchical intentions.
As you will see in the coming couple of weeks, the energy configurations have similarities. Stagnant and compressed are really similar. The difference is in the amount of value you continue to give it. Stagnant is energy held in place without much value, compressed is energy held in place with more value. Old resentments are probably more likely to be stagnant. You are holding on to them, but they are not as important as other things. Current resentments are proximal. They feel closer, more intense and present. You feel their pressure.
Stagnation and Compression
Step 1 – Throughout your day, begin to feel for times when something isn’t moving. Feel for energy that feels stuck, heavy, thick, or dead.
Step 2 – The compressed and stagnant energies will be in your bodies, components, and the parts and pieces of each. The compressed and stagnant energies will be in your interactions and relationships. They will be thoughts, patterns, habits, and reactions that feel stuck, heavy, thick, or dead.
Step 3 – Emotionally stagnant or compressed energies are generally those you don’t want to feel or that you feel fear around.
Step 4 – Compressed energies will also exist when you have conflicting intentions. You want to do something and then you don’t.
Step 5 – The nature of energy is to move, to either compound or deconstruct. If you are experiencing stagnation or compression, it is because something, probably you, is restricting the movement of energy.
Step 6 – Compressed is easier to distinguish because it generally has more energy.
Step 7 – Begin to identify where you are stagnating and compressing your energy.
Step 8 – Acknowledge that stagnation and compression is a choice you are making.
Step 9 – As you detect stagnation or compression, make a choice for change and begin to move something.
Step 10 – Begin to deconstruct the demand, fear, and energy excess into separate pieces.
Step 11 – Infuse your inquiry with Essence. Be playful, find the humor, and allow yourself to soften.
Step 12 – Be persistent. Continue your enquiry until the energy is flowing, accessible, and reformatted into vitality.
Why it Matters – Fear and your reaction to it are irrational. Finding the story and the resulting configuration will help you understand how and why you are limiting the expression of your Essence. Stagnation and Compression are the two biggest inhibitors to being fluid.
Everyday Usability – Stagnation and Compression are the two biggest inhibitors to being fluid. As you make a habit of deconstructing and enlivening your held energies, everything will get easier, more fun, and more fulfilling.
Progression – Limiting energy configurations are a constant drain on your energy, momentum, and drive. As you lessen their non-beneficial effects, you will have more vitality, fluidity, and success.