Layer Sixteen, Week One – Sunday
- Read Week One Concepts
- Watch videos and read description for Default Energy Configuration
- Do Movement –Default Energy Configuration
Sunday’s Focus
Review the thirteen energy configurations. Confirm that you can feel each of them as sensorial constructs. If not, spend some time getting to know what they feel like in your body.
Sunday’s Concepts
Throughout Layer 16, you will explore how the bodies, components, and energy configurations connect and communicate between the bodies and the part Hara and Essence play in that dialog, collaboration, and communion.
As a quick review, I have broken down your systems as follows. Bodies: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic, and Environmental. Components: Focus, Speed, Strength, Flexibility, Rejuvenation, Stability, and Endurance.
Here is the list of energy configurations as the gross indicators of your degree of receptivity or resistance. You can review these starting in Layer Seven, Week Four.
Your current, default, and habitual moods (energy configurations) will fall into one or more of these resistance patterns:
- Stagnant – Low, weak, and unmoving, stuck, lethargic, depressed, dull;
- Compressive – Pent up, tense, strained, holding back, capitulated, constipated;
- Expansive – Growing, glowing, ecstatic, generous, blissful, elated;
- Transitive – Shifting, changing, unstable, mutable;
- Isometric – Pushing and pulling, conflicted, passive aggressive, actively nonmoving;
- Isotonic – Unbalanced isometric, concentric, eccentric, leaning, resistant but moving;
- Fluid – Effortless, flowing without resistance, carefree, fearless, relaxed, confident, playful;
- Fluctuating – Unresolved, ungrounded, variable, searching for balance;
- Percolating – Compressed but beginning to move;
- Explosive – Instant decompression, hyper-reactive;
- Scattered – Unfocused, multi-directional, hyper-sensitive;
- Bleeding – Leaking, dissipating, deflating;
- Accumulating – Drawing in, actively ingesting with limited expansion. Pressurizing.
Monday’s Focus
Search the list of energy configurations and identify which one is your primary or most habitual. Be honest with yourself. Spend the day identifying when you are in or transition to that configuration.
Monday’s Concepts
Energy configurations are the specific forms your resistance takes. The configuration with the least amount of resistance is fluid. All of the others define how you are limiting energy. All the configurations have an accompanying video (L7W4 and L8W1).
Energy configurations are like the different parts an actor plays. As it changes for each scene and location, the actor conforms to the character and the script. Your fears and your subconscious mind are the actor. They take every situation and look for ways to dramatize it, to get attention and recognition, and to Sméagol some of your energy.
Most of your habitual daily energy configurations are situational and reactive. You transition constantly from one set of configurations to another as the people, places, and circumstances change. These configurations make up the way you relate to, connect with, and limit yourself and the world around you.
Your personality is the outward display of your typical and habitual energy configurations. Your personality isn’t who you are, it is how you are, how you react and respond. It is how you organize and align yourself with the opportunities presented.
Tuesday’s Focus
As you identify instances or situations when you are in your most habitual configuration, feel for the resistance that you feel. What are you trying to limit?
Tuesday’s Concepts
Each of your bodies might be in a different configuration. The chances of them all being the same are pretty slim. Usually, your dominant body will be the most imbalanced and the others will assume collusionary configurations.
Every cell in your physical body can have different configurations based upon usage, patterns, injury, and the amount of tension and fear it is holding.
Your environmental or relationship configurations will be habitual and serve to provide a familiar distance between you and others or between you and the world around you.
How Essence and Hara interface with your energy configurations determines how you are perceived and how you perceive yourself. Frenetic can come across to others as genius or space case. Percolating as thoughtful or unsure. Explosive as dynamic or dysfunctional. Isotonic as determined or stubborn.
How the energy is configured and the qualities that convey it generate the perception, the message the energy sends. That message can bring you closer or create distance. If the perception elicits a response, you will be increasing connection. If the message produces a reaction, you will be reducing your connection.
Essence and Hara will always encourage intimacy, connection, community, and collaboration. Essence and Hara will always encourage movement or change toward unity.
Your ability to enlist, engage, and enchant is dependent on your ability to be authentic. You are authentic to the degree you are radiating your Essence and moving in line with your Hara.
Layer Sixteen, Week One – Wednesday
- Read Wednesday Concepts
- Do Movement – Default Energy Configuration
Wednesday’s Focus
In your habitual or default configuration, what demands do you have? What do you want to be different?
Wednesday’s Concepts
Here is an example of how Essence and Hara influence energy configurations.
Joe Hasbro (not his real name) is shopping for a vintage game controller. He drives his Camaro 108 miles to the MegaGameStop store, parks at the far edge of the parking lot. He takes up two spots to give his Bumble Bee some breathing room. As he walks toward the entrance, he begins to worry that someone might steal his car while he is negotiating the purchase of the Fairchild Channel F. That fear escalates into a fear of being car-jacked, shot in the leg, and not being able to record the event for YouTube.
As his worry increases, he starts to feel unusually hot and lightheaded. His heart rate increases, he starts to sweat, and his hands start to tingle. He feels like he is losing control. He starts to shake and tremble. He is having a panic attack.
The panic attack is real. All of the symptoms are happening, but they developed because he hadn’t connected to his Essence and he lost the connection to his Hara. He probably started off imbalanced and then his fear and story creation thrust him into debilitating anxiety. His subconscious mind created a scenario straight out of one of his games and he lacked the tools and ability to rebalance.
Layer Sixteen, Week One – Thursday
- Read Thursday Concepts
- Do Movement – Default Energy Configuration
Thursday’s Focus
In your default configuration, what habitual fears do you have? What is it about your current environment or situation that makes you feel unsafe? All of the energy configurations, except fluid, will have a fear element.
Thursday’s Concepts
He lost his presence, awareness, and ability to discern actual threats. His energy configuration probably started as mentally and emotionally expansive. He was excited about the new acquisition and the possibilities for gloating in his favorite chat rooms.
At some point, that expansive energy configuration transitioned to accumulating. As the accruing became too much for his subconscious mind, it started looking for ways to diffuse the pressurized feelings of mental and emotional overwhelm.
Anxiety and panic expend a ton of mental, emotional, and physical energy. Unfortunately for Mr. Hasbro, his anxiety and panic didn’t self-regulate. He panicked and there wasn’t a signal from his conscious mind to stop panicking. His anxiety and panic gained momentum.
That is why anxiety and panic attacks are so debilitating. We all panic but most of our systems self-regulate. Our panic is momentary and quickly replaced by conscious oversight. We reset back our default equilibrium.
Remember the last time you were startled. Did you stay startled? Probably not, but if you did, if your startle had a lingering effect, it was because you didn’t allow yourself to completely dismiss the misunderstanding. You continued to give value to the Chicken Little story created by your subconscious mind.
Friday’s Focus
When you find yourself in your default configuration, connect to the underlying fear. Allow yourself to acknowledge and accept it. Encourage the energy it contains to begin to move. Allow it to move, express the energy of your fear in some physical or emotional way.
Friday’s Concepts
Panic, anxiety, and the startle reflex are misunderstandings. Your subconscious mind blocks out the reasoning of your conscious mind and signals you to freak out.
When your Essence and Hara are aligned and activated, your subconscious mind never has the power to overwhelm your conscious mind, divert your attention away from your intentions, or stifle your mojo.
Essence and Hara ensure that you remain aware, present, centered, soft, and playful.
Playful and Freak Out can’t coexist. Freak out is outmaneuvered by centered, present, soft, and aware every time.
Layer Sixteen, Week One – Saturday
- Read Saturday Concepts
- Do Movement – Default Energy Configuration
Saturday’s Focus
As you get better and quicker at identifying your default configuration and releasing the fear it contains, begin to consciously reconfigure your energy in a more beneficial way.
Saturday’s Concepts
When your Essence is radiating, you connect with the energies in your environment well outside of your physical body. And remember, your subconscious mind is activated proximally. It reacts most strongly to the threats it identifies closest to you.
If you are emanating your energy in a twenty-foot sphere around you, you have a ton of time to respond before your subconscious mind ever gets wind of any possible or imagined threats.
Essence will also bring a quality of tolerance and empathy to the energy configurations in your environments. You will consciously dismiss them as possible threats because you will be connecting to their Essence. You will automatically have empathy for the fears present and be able to understand the underlying context. You will see every interaction as an opportunity for mutual benefit.
Next week, we will begin going through the energy configurations and their relationship to Hara and Essence individually.
Default Energy Configuration
Step 1 – All energy configurations, with the exception of Fluid, are also fear configurations. You assume a configuration as a reaction to some perceived threat.
Step 2 – Look over the list of configurations below and begin to identify which one you generally, habitually, or routinely adopt.
Step 3 – Sit quietly and contemplate your nature. What do you do? How do you configure yourself most often?
Step 4 – Once you identify your energy configuration predisposition, own it. Allow that you have fears and those fears create a desire to distance. That desire configures itself into a reactionary limiting postures.
Step 5 – How do you limit the expression of your Essence and how do you limit the drive and determination of your Hara?
Step 6 – Spend a few days confirming your conclusion. Do Current30’s throughout your day and feel which configuration you are in.
Step 7 – After you feel like you have a handle on your default energy configuration, see if you can identify the fear story or underlying fear behind it.
Step 8 – How does your subconscious mind believe it is protecting you by configuring in your habitual way?
Step 9 – Explore how your fear configurations create a resonance that attracts the things they are trying to protect you from.
Step 10 – Examine your default configuration in each of your bodies and determine if they are the same or different.
Step 11 – Play with consciously changing your default configurations.
Step 12 – Your goal is to rehabituate your configurations toward fluid, toward less resistance.
Why it Matters – Fear and your reaction to it are irrational. Finding the story and the resulting configuration will help you understand how and why you are limiting the expression of your Essence.
Everyday Usability – As you identify your habitual energy configuration, you will have the awareness to change it to something more beneficial with less resistance.
Progression – Limiting energy configurations are a constant drain on your energy, momentum, and drive. As you lessen their non-beneficial effects, you will have more vitality, fluidity, and success.
Energy Configurations
- Stagnant – Low, weak, and unmoving, stuck, lethargic, depressed;
- Compressive – Pent up, tense, strained, holding back, capitulated, constipated;
- Expansive – Growing, glowing, ecstatic, generous, blissful, elated;
- Transitive – Shifting, changing, unstable, mutable;
- Isometric – Pushing and pulling, conflicted, passive aggressive, actively nonmoving;
- Isotonic – Unbalanced isometric, concentric, eccentric, leaning, resistant but moving;
- Fluid – Effortless, flowing without resistance, carefree, fearless, relaxed, confident, playful;
- Fluctuating – Unresolved, ungrounded, variable, searching for balance;
- Percolating – Compressed but beginning to move;
- Explosive – Instant decompression, hyper-reactive;
- Scattered – Unfocused, multi-directional, hyper-sensitive;
- Bleeding – Leaking, dissipating, deflating;
- Accumulating – Drawing in, actively ingesting with limited expansion. Pressurizing.