Layer Seven, Week Three – Sunday

Sunday’s Focus:

Concentrate on your mental connection to others. When you first come into contact with someone, what do you try to figure out? Are your thoughts about you or them? Are they historical or future focused?

Sunday’s Concepts

Over the next few layers, we are going to increase your ability to be empathic by continuing our exploration of energy configurations as they apply to communication, collaboration, intimacy, happiness, fulfillment, and success.

First, a few quick definitions (directly from the Change Militia’s top-secret vault):

Compassion – The ability to imagine (mentally) what someone else might be experiencing and then generate an emotional response based upon the value you assign to your projection of those experiences.

Empathy – The act of feeling what is being felt by others or some aspect of the environment. (Empathy also exists internally. You can have empathy for yourself by feeling what some aspect of your body or bodies.)

Empathic – The ability to feel what someone is feeling in the way he or she feels it. A sensorial connection with some aspect of another person, or your environment. 

Empath – Someone with the ability to perceive energy configurations. The discernment to separate personal feelings from the feelings of others. Empaths read the swirling currents of energy that exist within and outside of themselves.

Intuition –  The ability to forecast a probable conclusion from the trajectory of current energy configurations. Future focused prognostication based upon existing summary data, not pre-existing judgments or historical limiting beliefs.

Layer Seven, Week Three – Monday

Monday’s Focus

Today, at the start of every interaction, pay attention to how much of your mental process is threat assessment and what that threat might be. What story is your subconscious mind creating? What are you worried about?

Monday’s Concepts

A child’s experience of fear is much different than an adult’s. I have compassion when I understand the child’s fear. I have empathy when I can feel and experience what the child is feeling, the actuality of his or her experience.

Compassion creates distance. I have to separate myself from the child to concoct and project my understanding of their situation. When I imagine their situation, I am no longer present … I am off somewhere imagining. When I feel compassion, I am connecting to story I have concocted.

When I am empathetic, I create intimacy. The child and I will share a common feeling. Empathy promotes resonance and harmony. We will experience the same energy configuration. We will bond because we are connecting with all of our bodies. Compassion only connects with the mental body. Any emotions felt from compassion aren’t connected to the other person, they are connected to the mental projection.

The empathetic bond will last, sometimes permanently. Compassion is fleeting because it only exists for the duration of the mental image and internal emotional response.


Layer Seven, Week Three – Tuesday

Tuesday’s Focus

Spend the day recognizing how personal interactions influence your thoughts and reactions. What happens in the moment and what do you think about after that?

Tuesday’s Concepts

I want you to become an Empath, to increase your awareness of your energy configurations, the configurations of those around you, and the environmental configurations. When you do, you will fundamentally change your connection and understanding of your what drives you and others to do or react the way they do.

Your relationship with yourself and the world will forever be altered. You will begin to feel yourself and the world around you in a whole new way. You will be able to detect opportunities in places, people, and circumstances that used to seem inconceivable. Your ability to be patient, kind, and tolerant will skyrocket. Your relationship with your bodies will deepen. You will be healthier and more balanced.

Empathy is a superpower.

Every thought, emotion, and sensation you have is energy changing from one configuration to another.

Being empathic will allow you to gain mastery over your body, mind, and emotions. Once you have mastered your own configurations, you will be able to identify and understand what drives the actions and reactions of those around you without judgment, censure, or collusion. You will gain tolerance and compassion.

Tolerance and compassion will help you reduce the resistance you generate and hold. Less resistance equals more effortlessness, success, happiness, efficiency, and fulfillment.

Most importantly, you will gain the ability to communicate with the held fears and limiting beliefs that influence so much of how you and others interact.

Layer Seven, Week Three – Wednesday

Wednesday’s Focus

Concentrate on your emotional connection to others. When you first come into contact, do you try to figure out what the other person is feeling or are you consumed by your own emotions?

Wednesday’s Concepts

Once you learn to communicate directly with other people’s fears, you can collaborate by aligning your energy configurations in a way that acknowledges and conveys acceptance.

Practically, when an angry person feels your acknowledgment, tolerance, and acceptance of his or her anger, they let go of that anger configuration and start looking for ways to diffuse, connect, and collaborate with your configurations. He or she will start looking for ways to share energy. You meet them where they are, empathize with them and then allow their energy to entrain with yours. You connect and then begin raising your vibration back to where it is most loving, kind, and beneficial. They will follow, collaboration will happen.

When we react to someone’s anger by getting defensive, his or her subconscious mind and to a lesser degree his or her energy body, will continue to see us a threat and search for conflict. It won’t entrain and tension will continue to exist as it tries to identify new or existing threats.

When the subconscious mind of your audience feels your acknowledgment, tolerance, and acceptance, it will no longer view you as a threat. After the audience’s subconscious mind lowers its defenses, it starts looking for ways to rejuvenate, collaborate, and expand. It looks for ways to entrain with the energy configurations around it by changing its energy configurations.

I have a way with kids. As you’ve read, I have a super fun relationship with the 3-year-old next door. Here’s how it works. The first time I met her, I got down to her level and started a conversation with her. I acknowledged her as an equal, very openly sharing my acceptance and affection. Her system (bodies) relaxed and we began to connect. Every time I see her, I acknowledge her affectionately. I am happy to see her and I let it show. She feels my configuration and her configuration changes. She gets happy to see me.

I do a similar thing with a small restaurant I frequent. Every time I go in. I enthusiastically greet the owner and his family. I share my enthusiasm and gratitude. They respond. The energy in the restaurant changes. I can see and feel the other diners respond. My energy configuration influences the entire restaurant. That influence may extend beyond the restaurant as the diner’s energy travels out into the world.

Layer Seven, Week Three – Thursday

Thursday’s Focus

This will be a bit more difficult. How do your emotional configurations change before, during, and after your interactions with others? How long does the change last? Can you feel the transitions?

Thursday’s Concepts

Your path toward being an empath will start with identifying your energy configurations in each of your bodies and all of the components. Once you have a baseline, you will begin to track your actions and reactions (feel the influence other people and your environment have on you). After you are able to track the transitions (what, when, how, and why you act and react the way you do), you can begin to devalue the underlying images, patterns, and limiting beliefs. Once they are devalued, you will be in a position to choose your actions instead of being enslaved to your reactions.

You will go through the same process (identify, establish a baseline, track, devalue, and choose) with the energy configurations of your significant other, family, friends, and co-workers. Your understanding of those people will blossom when you feel their energy configurations instead of just mentally judging or emotionally reacting.

As an example, I sigh heavily pretty regularly. I do it to help move energy that is pooling in my diaphragm. When I sigh heavily, the people around me assume something is wrong and then they react usually by asking “What’s the matter?” If they were to read my energy configuration, they would feel me expanding … not passively aggressively asking for help, being judgmental or complaining. I sigh to assist the expanding energy around my diaphragm flow.

As you identify, establish a baseline, track, devalue, and choose new actions, the people and things around you will begin acting and reacting very differently. You have thousands of spoken (conscious) and unspoken (unconscious) agreements with everyone in your life. When you alter the pattern, you will be giving them an opportunity to alter their patterns.

If I changed my sighing pattern by prefacing each sigh with a life-affirming statement of expansion, people wouldn’t react defensively. If I encouraged others to join me in a life-affirming sigh, I would completely override their typical threat assessment.

My actions will always influence my environment and the people in it. The influence and its results are a choice I can make. (Another example of Changing the World from the Inside Out)

Layer Seven, Week Three – Friday

Friday’s Focus

As you interact with others, determine if your predisposition is for emotional or mental threat assessment.  Are you mentally trying to figure out what they are experiencing or are you more likely to emotionally react? What is your default?

Friday’s Concepts

In the next step, you will be able to decide your mental state, emotional disposition, and even your physical constitution. You will be to decide, construct, and maintain the energy configurations in each of your bodies and all of your components.

Each of your bodies has a place of optimal balance. Each of those places has an energy configuration. If you aren’t healthy and balanced, you are not configured in the most beneficial way. As you are able to discern your balance points and the accompanying configurations, you can identify what is out of balance. Once identified, you can choose to alter your energy to match the most beneficial configuration.

A quick note about energy configurations and balance. We’ve spent a good deal of time talking about being centered and balanced. Every aspect of your being will have an energy configuration that is the most beneficial (balanced) in any given moment. Those optimum configurations will change as you move through the world. An understanding and awareness of your optimal balance points will help you to identify when you begin to move out of balance.

In the above sighing example, I identified my energy configuration, realized I was out of balance, and made a decision to change. That change was beneficial. If I include others, I will benefit more. When I sigh and get others to join me, it becomes a collaborative celebration.

It is not easy and it won’t happen overnight. It is a practice that you will practice. This week’s meditations are a start. The movements and meditations will become more and more critical to your evolution and success.

Once you are able to identify your optimal energy configurations, you will be able to assist others in achieving theirs. (Refer back to the anger analogy in Wednesday’s Concepts) You will assist by communicating energetically with their subconscious minds. You will emanate your configurations in a way that promotes collaboration, metabolization, and the generation of momentum toward a mutually beneficial trajectory.

Layer Seven, Week Three – Saturday

Saturday’s Focus

What might it be like to disregard your beliefs, judgments, and fears and try to feel what might be going on for the people you encounter? Try it!

Saturday’s Concepts

Here is the other big picture aspect of empathy. When you have empathy for yourself, you no longer give value to what others think or say. When you are less externally focused on what others think, you will have more energy and drive to achieve your objectives. The unhealthy reaction will become healthy action. You will be driven from a place of intention, trajectory, and collaboration.

As you expand into your potential, you will be able to feel all expansive discomforts as beneficial energy configurations. Want to lose some weight? Hunger will start feeling like success. Want to exercise more? Resistance to heading toward the gym will be identified and rejected before it cements your butt to the couch. Want to have a better relationship with your (fill in the blank)? Distancing and freezing will be rebuffed and you will sally forth exploring the possibilities intimacy affords.

The same thing will happen in your dealings with others. You will feel their fear, the whole story, and help them shift their configurations by setting (emanating) an example.

Empathy leads to fearlessness, tolerance, and a kindness so vast it radiates and permeates everything and everyone around you.

Next week, you will continue. You will work on your foundation, review the energy configurations, and expand your awareness. Remember, now more than ever, the daily focus and the movements matter.


Step 1 – Find a comfortable seat.

Step 2 – Allow yourself to settle, your mind to quiet, and breathe normally.

Step 3 – You are going to do a Current30 for each of the five bodies.

Step 4 – Pick a body. (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, or environmental)

Step 5 – Take a quick snapshot and put a label to the overall or general state of your selected body.

Step 6 – Allow yourself to spend some time exploring the chosen body.

Step 7 –  Pick a second body, take a quick snapshot, put a label on it and then spend some time exploring.

Step 8 –  Pick a third body, take a quick snapshot, put a label on it and then spend some time exploring.

Step 9 –  Pick a fourth body, take a quick snapshot, put a label on it and then spend some time exploring.

Step 10 – On the last body, take a quick snapshot, put a label on it and then spend some time exploring.

Why it Matters –  This meditation, like the Current30, will be a gateway to deeper movements and meditations. It will help you ascertain where your energy is and what it might be doing.

Everyday Usability – If you were only going to do one meditation for the rest of your life, this might be the one. This simple meditation embodies presence, vitality, and awareness. Use this whenever you want to get deeper, fuller, and more connected.

Progression –  This practice creates its own progression. When you do it consistently, things change. Perceptions, your views, and relationships to the world will alter. An analogy would be knowing only radio and then being introduced to black and white TV, then color TV, and then IMAX 3D. When you knew only radio, it felt amazing and magical and IMAX 3D would have been inconceivable. Where ever you are in the development of your subtle awareness and personal development, know that there is something beyond. It won’t be long before TV and computer screens cease to exist as holographic projection devices replace them … which will be replaced by content transmitted directly into the brain.

Identifying Transitions

Step 1 – Sit comfortably. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to settle.

Step 2 – Do the Current150.

Step 3 – Do a minute or so of Hara Breathing.

Step 4 – Allow your eyes to close and begin feeling for changes in your energy configurations.

Step 5 – Focus your awareness on feeling your bodies and their sensorial input.

Step 6 – Maintain your focus and feel for transitions in any of your bodies.

Step 7 –  You are looking to identify changing configurations as they change.

Step 8 –  Sit for at least 5 or 10 minutes and allow yourself the opportunity to increase your subtle awareness.

Why it Matters –  This meditation, with the Current150, will be a gateway to deeper movements and meditations. It will help you develop the ability to feel changes as they are happening.

Everyday Usability – Changes in mood, attitude, and motivation are all transitions from one way of being to another. This meditation will help you to begin to discover why, where, how, and when you change from in-line to out-of-line with your intentions.

Progression –  All of the movements and meditations in the next few layers will start with or utilize this meditation, as well as the Current150 meditations from this week.

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