Layer Nine, Week Two – Sunday
- Read Week Two Concepts
- Watch videos and read descriptions for Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Sunday’s Focus
Last week, you tracked the energy movements in your body. This week you will track the qualities of your energy. Today, try to identify how, where, why, and when your interpretation of energy determines your experience.
Sunday’s Concepts
Your interpretation of energy moving gives you your experience of life. Everything you label, value, and judge is a projection of that interpretation.
From L9W1: Your environmental body is in near constant threat assessment. It tries to pull energy from your mental and emotional bodies by prioritizing external stimuli over internal. When you worry more about what others think than what you think, you are being undermined and sabotaged by your environmental body.
Understanding all the aspects of energy will help you reduce the amount of value you give to the things that either don’t exist (projections and fear), are unchangeable (history), or just don’t matter.
Empaths feel energy move, consciously, in real time. They feel the currents of energy and their influence both internal and external. Becoming an empath will give you the tools to feel your bodies, the components, and the factors that influence your energy, the energy of others, and the inherent energy present in your environment.
Energy is fuel, potential, and opportunity. When you can effectively and efficiently harness the ambient energies, you will effortlessly move in the most beneficial and fulfilling directions. Benefit is the recognition of actual value. As you increase your ability to be empathic, you will feel the underlying influences, fear, and motivations inherent in every movement. You will feel your understanding of the world around in a whole new way that will make your life more fulfilling, playful, and successful.
Layer Nine, Week Two – Monday
- Read Monday Concepts
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Monday’s Focus
Spend the day tracking the direction your energy moves. Feel for movement toward, away, or parallel to people, things, and situations. Assess how the direction might be different in each of your bodies.
Monday’s Concepts
Your energy moves toward, away, or parallel to any value and every threat.
Some of the variables that influence those energy shifts include direction, size, density, gravity, resonance, momentum, and time. Proximity and Gravity immensely influence energy reconfigurations.
Direction is obvious … or it might not be. Let’s say you love bread AND you commit to reducing your caloric intake between 10 am and 6 pm. You show up at my house around noon as some freshly baked sourdough is coming out of the oven. Your physical body’s energy will pull you toward the bread while your mental body’s energy will resist any movement. You physically want bread (toward) and you mentally want to avoid eating (away). The energy in your emotional body will split with one aspect moving toward something physical you value (bread) and in a different direction, toward something mental you value (diet). Your energy body will split mirroring the movements of the aspects of your bodies.
Direction is rarely linear or singular. The chances are slight that all your bodies and all your components are moving in the same direction. Directional alignment happens during moments of fluid effortlessness and even then, the direction will be following a non-linear trajectory.
Following the most fluid path will seldom be in a straight line. If you want to be a great runner, you must do more than run. You must rest, stretch, gain knowledge about running, mechanics, anatomy, diet, and injury prevention. If you just ran without stopping to eat, drink, or rest … your potential as a runner would run out of gas in less than a day.
Layer Nine, Week Two – Tuesday
- Read Tuesday Concepts
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Tuesday’s Focus
Feel for the size of the energy potentials and opportunities around you. What do you make bigger? Which of your bodies generally determine the value you give?
Tuesday’s Concepts
Size is a factor of potential as determined by your mental and emotional bodies and your subconscious mind. As you allow more potential, beneficial, or non-beneficial, the energy will grow. The more value you give an opportunity or a fear, the larger its energy configuration will be.
Size will also vary from body to body and component to component. Each of your bodies will give a different value to every opportunity. Not eating during the bulk of the day will have a much bigger mental component than physical. Fasting is a mental construct, not a physical one.
Positive affirmations don’t work when they are primarily mental. If your affirmations only exist in your mind, they won’t recruit the other bodies and imbalance will ensue. Another challenge with purely mental affirmations is that they don’t account for the energy of the underlying fear. If you tell yourself, over and over, that you want to lose weight but your greatest fear is not being enough or you have an irrational fear of starving, the affirmations will constantly trigger those fear responses. The more you affirm, the more fear gets triggered and you create two opposing intentions and trajectories.
If all you did was think about being a good teacher, it would have very little influence on your actions. If your intention is to be a good teacher, do it from a place of balance. From that place of balance, you will engage all of your bodies. You will feel it (emotional), softening and relaxing into it or prepare your body and the materials for the actions required (physical), and you will connect your desire to the outcome (kids learning and growing)(environmental). You will energetically configure all your bodies to meet your affirmation.
When potential creates an imbalance because of a split intention, the energy of your internal conflict will grow and then most of your energy will shift to the discomfort of having to decide until the scales tip one way or the other. The discomfort of the decision will get the majority of your focus rather than your intention.
Time and proximity will influence size, especially emotional size. Your emotional body would have almost no influence if it didn’t make situations more dramatic than they actually are. It will use fasting as an excuse to dramatize hunger (increase its size).
Your emotional body inflates to ensure its continued existence.
Energy has potential, how you configure it is a choice. If you place a lot of value on your intention and your intention brings up fear, like the fear of starving because you are fasting, the intention will split into benefit and conflict.
Layer Nine, Week Two – Wednesday
- Read Wednesday Concepts
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Wednesday’s Focus
Feel for the density of your determination or resistance. Can you feel how willfulness or stubbornness feels thick or opaque? Which of your bodies seem to control your density value? Do you mentally or emotionally resist? Are you physically, or environmentally determined?
Wednesday’s Concepts
Density is the amount of importance you give your resistance and/or determination. Density is your level of willfulness or stubbornness. It is the degree or lack of degree of incentive to move and change. Apathy and neutrality are the opposite of density, they carry no weight.
Density can make things feel less manageable or crystal clear. If you LOVE bread and are deeply committed to fasting, the decision will feel hard, thick, and heavy because you give both options equal weight (density). If you are to be married in two weeks and are very determined to lose 17 pounds, the density of your pending nuptials will outweigh your love of food. Food will be less appealing. Its weight will change from benefit to threat. It will go from something you enjoy to something that is a hazard to your success. Remember, the food didn’t change, the only thing that changed was the mental and emotional value you assigned.
Density will vary like size. Every choice will have a different level of importance (value) to each body. Your resistance or determination will differ from body to body. Generally, your mental body or your emotional body will have the greatest density, depending on your nature. Time and proximity strongly affect density.
Density clouds or clarifies. Hunger adds density to food choice decisions. Your degree of hunger will be a big factor in your ability to resist. Not eating bread at noon is much easier after finishing off three dozen clams and a porterhouse steak at 9 am. If you go to your mother’s for dinner, your determination to fast will encounter your determination to please, appease, or displease. If you conflict with your mother, your desire to fast will resonate with your desire to irritate your mother and your fasting density will increase.
Resonance is a function of timbre (Layer One, Week Three) and attraction. When two drops of water are put next to each other, they are drawn together. When oil connects with water, it keeps itself from merging. If you happen to be at my house before 10:00 or after 6:00, your LOVE of bread will mesh with your intention to restrict your intake because you are out of the fasting window. The two will collaborate and confirm both energy configurations. You will enjoy the bread and pat yourself on the back for not eating it during your zero-calorie window.
If you have a stomach flu, the smell or even the thought of bread will be nauseating, regardless of the time. Resonance or dissonance is your level of attraction or repulsion.
Resonance will be very body specific too. Mentally, you might love the idea of fasting (resonate) and your body might completely disagree (dissonance). Your love of fasting might resonate with your mental belief that you are bad, don’t deserve food, and need to punishment. In that case, your desire to fast will be very unbalancing. (unhealthy resonance)
Layer Nine, Week Two – Thursday
- Read Thursday Concepts
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Thursday’s Focus
Timbre day! As you dance through the day, feel for the pull and push of the energies around you. What are you drawn toward? What repulses you? What do you shy away from without thinking? What are you pulled toward before you know it? Which body is most reactive to resonance and dissonance?
Thursday’s Concepts
Time brings into play velocity and duration. If you are fasting, driving by your favorite BBQ place is easier than walking by. Standing in front of the BBQ place will get progressively harder as your hunger intensifies and your willpower wanes. If you decide to give up a bad habit, it will get easier as time goes by. Actually, it will follow a curve. Ending a habit is easiest in the minutes after you finish doing it, gets progressively harder pretty quickly and then gradually gets easier over a longer period of time, sometimes a much longer period of time.
Time is relative. Mental time goes by much faster than physical time. Physical time is relative to your degree of discomfort. Time is also relative to proximity and density. It is easier to tolerate the discomfort of hunger longer … when there isn’t a loaf of fresh bread in front of you. If you have a habit of snacking all day, fasting will be much more influenced by time.
If meditation is hard for you, it is because your mental body feels the time very differently than your physical body. It wants to move and resists rest. It wants something to do, something to think about. It wants to stay important and critical to your experience of life. When you meditate or just sit quietly, allowing your mind to settle, it panics because it is afraid it won’t ever be your primary body again.
Keeping your physical body motionless for 90 minutes isn’t hard when you are watching the Game of Thrones finale because your mind has something to keep it occupied. You will notice that in a lot of the meditations, I give your mind something to think about, a single point to focus on. Single point focus allows you to bypass some of the fear of your mental body. Feeling your sensations as a meditation helps to slow and entrain your mind time to body time.
Emotional time moves in varying patterns. Impatience moves quickly. Grief moves very slowly. Some emotions are fleeting, others sluggish. Your emotional attachment to a failed relationship diminishes over time. Anger is fast, resentment smolders, and irritation builds speed over time. Patience remains at a constant rate … until its time is up.
Proximity is like a campfire, the closer you are, the hotter it is. Not eating is much easier if you are in the garage as opposed to standing in front of an open refrigerator. Not drinking beer is much tougher with a cold one in your hand. All your triggers and distractions follow similar patterns. Facebook is much easier to ignore when you don’t have Wi-Fi or cell reception. Family dynamics are much less debilitating when you are in Goa, lying on some Third World beach wearing spandex, psychedelic trousers, smoking damn dope, pretending you gettin’ consciousness expansion.
Proximity is the emotional value you give to the distance you maintain from people and things in your environment. The energy of a recently failed relationship will be very different if the person shows up at your front door or calls from the fires of Mordor.
A person pushing up against you on a crowded subway will be less of a threat if they feel harmless. You will emotionally value their proximity positively if they smell good, are attractive, and provide warmth or stability. Their proximity will be a threat if the opposite is true.
Layer Nine, Week Two – Friday
- Read Friday Concepts
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Friday’s Focus
This should be enlightening! Feel for how each of your bodies react to time. Feel for the relative speeds in each of your bodies. Do different things and feel for your reactions to time. Sitting still, washing dishes, riding a bike, and conversations with strangers will all bring up different time associations.
Friday’s Concepts
Gravity is the will to live. Gravity is the life or death factor. It is the pull toward or away from one or the other. If something has no connection to any possible death scenarios your mind wants to concoct, it will have no gravity.
I was much more cautious in my adventures after I had children. I stopped training on my road bike and stopped looking for the biggest, gnarliest waves. The consequence of my death had very little gravity before having kids. My love for them and my desire to be a good father added a ton of gravity to my aspiration to stay alive and healthy.
Your environment, not surprisingly, strongly influences Gravity. Death value determines the gravity (fear) you assign, either consciously or subconsciously. A bus coming at you has much more gravity than a bicycle coming at you. A bus coming at someone else has much less gravity than one coming at you. A bus coming at your child has more gravity than if it is coming at you. The first chemistry test in a semester will have less gravity than the final exam.
Gravity will be hierarchical too. I fear the death of my children much more than my own death. I fear my own death next, then the death of my other loved ones and family, friends, neighbors, like-minded, and then in some varying degree countryman, humans, animals, plants, etc.
Layer Nine, Week Two – Saturday
- Read Saturday Concepts
- Do Movements – Swirling Currents and Time is Relative.
Saturday’s Focus
Get to know your personal space. Where does too far shift to too close? Where does friendly proximity become invasion? Find specific examples and then relate them to each of your bodies. One body will be much more reactive than the others.
Saturday’s Concepts
Let’s play with the concept of gravity in ways you might not have considered.
What if gravity is the pulling action of consciousness toward itself. What if gravity is the innate desire of everything to continue to exist in its current form. What if the gravitational pull of the Earth is a result of the Earth’s desire to continue to exist.
Physically, what if the Earth draws you toward it because the it wants to hold onto one of its component (you)? Without gravity, the Earth would disperse into space. Your fascia holds you together by constantly pulling inward. Your body knows that if it doesn’t keep all of you together, you will cease to exist in your current form.
Mentally, what if your mind holds onto beliefs and stories because it is afraid it will cease to exist if it doesn’t?
Mentally, fear is the justification you use to limit movement, expansion, and change. Your subconscious mind fears death and believes that if you stay exactly where you are, doing exactly what you have been doing, and believing what you have been believing, you will continue to exist.
Emotionally you react when your subconscious mind perceives or predicts that some type of death potential exists. It creates and inflates to meet an actual threat or a concocted one. The death of a loved one has no actual threat … but try telling that to your emotional body.
Your subconscious mind might fear starving and try to convince you to eat bread. It also might fear rejection for not being svelte and try to convince you to avoid bread. It will probably do both. Those voices in your head … they are your subconscious mind trying to make gravity out of fiction and projection.
Next week, you will learn about the movement styles, sequences, trajectories, and currents. Feeling energetic currents will give you a fluid understanding of what is going on inside you and outside of you. Gravity pulls toward the center. Jealousy grabs hold by encircling. Confusion eludes. Fascinating stuff!
Swirling Currents – Emotional
Step 1 –Find a comfortable seat and allow yourself to soften.
Step 2 – Bring your mental focus to bear on the feeling on your emotions. Feel for how the energy of your emotions move through your body.
Step 3 – Sit and feel.
Step 4 – Continue to soften as you maintain focus on feeling the swirling currents of emotional energy.
Step 5 – Resist distraction and give it as much time as you have.
Step 6 – Allow for the possibility that the swirling currents exist.
Step 7 – Give yourself an opportunity to feel yours. It may not happen right away, but with perseverance, it will happen.
Why it Matters – Before you can gain the empathetic ability to correctly discern the movement of energy in others, you must feel energy moving internally. You must know what your energy is doing so that you can account for those movements in your assessments of non-internal energy movements. Most people who believe they are empaths are actually feeling their energy and then projecting their fears into their environment.
Everyday Usability – Make this a daily practice. You can do it in a few minutes while driving, waiting for an elevator, before you get up in the morning or in the time it takes for Dairy Queen to prepare an Oreo Blizzard.
Progression – Over the next few weeks, you will be given meditations to feel swirling currents of energy in your other bodies and later, tools to feel the swirling currents in others.
Time is Relative
Step 1 –Pick a challenging physical shape like a squat, push-up position, isometrically pulling your hands apart, or isometrically pushing your palms together. Anything that is stationary and physically taxing will work.
Step 2 – Feel for the impetus to change in each of your bodies.
Step 3 – What reaches the end of the window first? What doesn’t seem to have a window?
Step 4 – You are feeling for when each of the bodies reaches the “I want to be done” stage. They will be different. You might physically exhaust before you mentally tire.
Step 5 – Try this with varying degrees of physical exertion and track the differences.
Step 6 – What happens if you ignore the first body’s time constraint?
Why it Matters – Time variance between your bodies determines your motivation and the motivation of others. The levels of your desire and determination also change when one body is out of time balance.
Everyday Usability – Feel and watch for the time variance in others and you will begin to see their attention waver. Feel for your own waverings and identify which body is using a different speed clock. When you can easily identify the time variances, you will be much better able to balance your energy or affect the energy of your environment.
Progression – Time variance influences imbalance. As you gain awareness, you will begin to practice balancing the speed of your clocks in each body. Balanced time leads to increased presence.