Are You Tired of Anxiety Controlling Your Life?
Would you rather be calm, balanced, happy, and free from anxiety?
Grab our mini-course and do something that really works.
You will get a practice to give you instant relief from your anxiety and other practices to begin to eliminate anxiety from your life.
The success rate for our clients and group members is 100%. They are people like you who tried all kinds of things and still had anxiety. If you are checking this out, you probably have a success mindset (high-performer, motivated, driven, etc.) and are experiencing the anxiety and stress that seems to accompany your desire to achieve and be productive.
Maybe your anxiety is a pervasive low-grade feeling that plagues you daily or high-level anxiety that leads to panic attacks and overwhelm. Your anxiety may show up as overthinking, overworking, worry, self-doubting, overly emotional, spinning, fear, uncertainty, exhaustion, money stuff, parenting anxiety, fear of never being enough or doing enough, fear of being too much, or impostor syndrome. Maybe your anxiety shows up as stress and tension. It might be mental, physical, and/or emotional.
You are not alone – 75% of adults reported moderate to high levels of stress in the past month. Everyone has fears and areas where they have discomfort, feel stuck or overwhelmed, and continue to struggle. We have yet to meet an accomplished person who didn’t struggle with some degree of anxiety and stress.
Most people think anxiety is simply a part of life, something they have to deal with, or an unchangeable aspect of their personality … but it doesn’t have to be.
There is a different possibility – this course will help you overcome your anxiety and help you upgrade your daily experience of life.
Millions of advertising dollars are spent every year trying to convince you that anxiety is a disease that needs to be monitored, medicated, and pampered. You have been told by society, parents, teachers, and friends that anxiety is inevitable and uncontrollable – a part of modern life.
Anxiety, stress, and overwhelm are habits you can change. We developed this course to show you how.
This introductory program will not only help you stop being anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed; you will feel more alive, connected, and fulfilled. It has worked for people with low-grade anxiety all the way to people with thoughts of suicide. It has worked on people who have been hospitalized for anxiety.
Anxiety has a cycle that you can disrupt and replace with actions that will increase your productivity, happiness, and fulfillment. In this course, you will discover a new way to approach anxiety – a way to choose action over reaction. You will gain tools to help you change the habits that result in anxiety. You will find a new normal where anxiety doesn’t exist.
Included in this program:
- Anxiety Fix Program – A six-part video series with accompanying text and practices.
- Navigating the Abyss – A way to redirect the energy of your anxiety.
- The Five F’s Movement Solution – Specific practices for your particular anxiety trigger.
- Email Support – Connect directly with the creator of the program with questions or concerns.
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Or join the group program with all its benefits, including The Anxiety Fix program.
I have a choice now. I don’t struggle with anxiety like I used to. I don’t deal with the depression at all. TCM has helped me recognize anxiety and drama in a second. Pre-TCM I had no idea that these concepts existed. I feel like I can read a practice, put it to use that day and wake up the next day changed. These changes happen so fast that you can be a different person week to week. A better version of you in a week’s period. It’s so cool to know that we’re not stuck being these stagnant old storied versions of ourselves. We can become so much. It is so exciting, it has made me such a better person in all aspects of my life.
I had low level anxiety all the time. I was easily confused about everything. Everything! In my business, I was in a constant battle with my mind. I would get total clarity and then the next day I would be thinking I don’t know what I am doing. So it would be this back and forth where “I know, I don’t know, I am constantly confused.” And that took a toll on my self-esteem because I would think I don’t know what I am doing, I totally suck. It was like that in my relationship, in my business, the pattern just perpetuated itself everywhere. I was constantly trying to “figure it out.”
Now, I don’t have to be a victim to my emotions or my mind, the over-thinking. Overall, the practices remind me that I have the power to get centered. That relaxed playfulness instantly connects me back to myself, I instantly feel at ease, joyful no worries, and I am just here. They are so valuable. Now I am able to take a deep breath and find it within me. I have a knowing.
I was always anxious about not being clear. Mine was sort of a low-level anxiousness often times mixed with a feeling of depression. But yeah, there was always that feeling of the other shoe was going to drop or what next or how am I going to know what’s coming or how am going to know what to do next. Always that constant chatter. Now, I can live without feeling anxious.
The Change Militia practices transformed the free-floating anxiousness that has been with me all my life.