Some ideas for sharing The Change Militia


There are so many ways to share The Change Militia, ripple out the good vibes AND make some money.

** Remember to always use your affiliate link in place of links below

  • Share your own experience and enthusiasm with others through texts, posts, emails, calls
  • Run a challenge with friends or colleagues asking then to commit to doing it together
  • Approach locals businesses who may have a budget for an employee wellness program
  • Reach out to networking group´s to offer it to their members
  • MLM directors are often looking for programs to help their team members grow

Have an idea that you want to share or develop? Contact us and we can help!

Using a referral link for recurring referral rewards

How to use referral URL campaign tracking:

Affiliate referral URLs can include a campaign parameter to help you track and monitor the performance of your affiliate links.
You can name your campaigns in the Affiliate Area when generating an affiliate referral link, or manually append a campaign name to an affiliate referral link. When using the generator, the campaign name will be automatically appended to your affiliate referral link.

Read article and get directions here…

Here are some other online ideas:

1 :: Talk it up on your blog: review it, share your process with it, talk about grabbing it, blurb about what you are learning from it!!!

2 :: Shout it out to your mailing list newsletter

3 :: Twitter about it to your tribe (here are some handy dandy tweetables you can send out right now! (Just remember to replace the links with your own affiliate link!)

Make 2017 your best year yet:  #love #happiness #play #success

Need help transforming 2017 into an incredible year? 
Get the tools you need, support that works and become the person your dog believes you to be. #dog #love #fun

Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and 86 The Rest. #thechangemilitia #love #meditation #getoutside

We can’t think our way to a different way of being. To be different, we need to act differently. #awareness

Are you at a place where you absolutely, positively want to change & succeed? #love #happiness

Do you want to have more ease and fun in your life? Check out The Change Militia. #adventure #lifestyle #fun

Do you want to learn how to trust yourself completely? #love #getoutside #happiness

Build a new, powerful foundation, be fully present, live your life on your own terms. #adventure #lifestyle

Let go of all the habits that limit you from being who you want to be. #change #addiction #inspiration

Do you want to improve your #relationships? #happiness #breathe #lovelife

To act differently we need to know & feel who, where, what & how we are now. #love

Becoming the person you want to be doesn’t have to be hard or serious. #growth #love #fun #adventure

What if you made your own rules for #success? Find out how: #adventure #lifestyle #somuchfun #success

What is Movement Based Personal Development? #nature #happiness #inspiration

4 :: Write about it on Facebook

5 :: Email friends or clients you think it would help

6 :: Grab the banner images & splurge them wherever you go…

  • on your website
  • as advertisements on your website or blog sidebars
  • your social media hangouts
  • & of course link them so Gretel can find her way home!

7 :: All of the above!

Important! Make sure you use your affiliate link in all images & tweets.

Let’s make this happen! Can’t wait to send you boatloads of cashola!!!!

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