Layer Nine, Week Three – Sunday


Sunday’s Focus

Spend the day feeling for the amount of gravity you give to situations, relationships, actions, and reactions. How much weight to do you give? How is that weight related to your fear of death?

Sunday’s Concepts

This week you will focus on learning the currents of energy. Why they move.

In the last couple of weeks, you read about direction, size, density, resonance, momentum, time, proximity, and gravity.

Currents of energy bring intention into play. Energetic currents are why the above factors are changing. Currents direct and influence outcomes. Intention, plans, goals, purpose, drive, and unconscious habits direct energy into these currents of energy.

If I want to give Kelly a hug, I reconfigure my bodies to meet that intention. Physically, I move in her direction, alter my posture, and change my facial expressions. Emotionally, I soften and expand my feelings of love and affection. Mentally, I quiet my thoughts and give hugging my full attention.

Here is how my energetic currents change. I expand my energy in a way that communicates my desire. I get bigger.  Once that expansion envelops her, my environmental body configures it into a pulling energy. I energetically pull with the intention that she move in my direction. That pulling action adds density (determination) to my intention.

I change my energy to one that I hope will resonate with her current configuration. I energetically offer the hug with my energy configured to acceptance and affection. I invite and encourage her energy configurations to be the same. I seek resonance.

My energy configurations offer an increase in safety and continued existence. My energy body communicates the benefits to her energy body and subconscious mind. It starts a conversation. It offers safety (gravity) through a shared and cooperative existence. It says, “We are safer together.”

It signals that I want the hug now (time), and am moving toward her. (proximity and momentum).

Layer Nine, Week Three – Monday



Monday’s Focus

Try to identify energies that feel like they are pulling you. Where do other people’s demands or expectations feel like a tractor beam? Recognize when your demands or expectations create a pulling energy. Find the fear that lives behind the demand or expectation.

Monday’s Concepts

So, what if I am unsure about some of the aspects. What if I my intention is to hug someone who is grieving and I am not sure if they are open to a hug?

Physically, I might hesitate. My movements wouldn’t be fluid. Emotionally, I only partially radiate the amount of sympathy I feel. I hold back. I don’t completely soften. Mentally, I am unable to give the hug all my focus because I might worry about a list of things from offering unwanted solace to rejection to coming across as overbearing or insensitive.

My hesitation stops my momentum and makes the timing of my hug vague. My proximity fluctuates because part of me wants to move forward and part of me doesn’t.

Energetically, I am sending a bunch of mixed signals that might come across as forced, unsure, or inauthentic. At the least, my desire to offer condolences is stilted, wooden, and unnatural. Mixed signals guarantee a lack of fluidity and authenticity.

Here is how my energetic currents shift. I only partially expand my energy in a way that communicates my desire. I just get a little bigger. That limited expansion doesn’t envelop and my environmental body configures it into a hesitant energy. I energetically split my intention into should hug and shouldn’t hug (push/pull). I lack density (determination).

I change my energy to one that is unsure of success and don’t try to influence a change in the grieving person’s energy. I don’t encourage our energy configurations to be the same. I don’t seek resonance.

My energy configurations don’t offer an increase in safety and continued existence. My energy communicates indecision to her energy body and subconscious mind. I start a conversation with myself instead of with the other person. It offers no safety (gravity) and no shared existence. It says, “I might be safer if we don’t hug.”

It signals that I am not sure if or when I want the hug and that my movements will be hesitant.

Layer Nine, Week Three – Tuesday



Tuesday’s Focus

Try to identify energies that feel like they are pushing you. Where do other people’s demands or expectations feel like they are demanding a greater distance? Recognize when your demands or expectations create a distancing energy. Find the fear that lives behind the demand or expectation.

Tuesday’s Concepts

Let’s look at the energy reaction from the grieving party (GP) to my indecisive hug.

GP sees me and reads my physical and energetic clues. GP will interpret those clues based up his or her history, habits, predispositions, and our existing relationship.

If GP knows me, he or she knows I am a hugger and might read my indecision and bail me out by creating a clear intention of his or her own and follow the example I gave in Sunday’s Concepts.

If GP’s grief is bringing up a lot of indecision, my indecision might elevate the indecision brought on by his or her grief. GP might read my indecision as judgment, lack of worth, or loss of intimacy/relationship. My indecision might trigger a fear response (fight, flight, or freeze).

Our energy bodies wouldn’t be communicating. I would be in my sphere of influence and GP would be in his or hers. There wouldn’t be a connection. My intention to offer solace would fail or add misery to an already hurting human.

A solution would be to communicate my hesitation in a very direct and transparent way. “GP, I want to offer my condolences and give you a hug. Would that be alright?” Sharing my intention and my uncertainty creates alignment in my bodies. I connect directly with GP. I soothe any fear triggers by making it clear what I am offering and letting GP know that it is an offer and not a demand. Lastly, I don’t hesitate.

Intimacy and authenticity are fluid because there is a clear intention, energies are expanding, and there is no hesitation. Authenticity comes from the ability to be present and to communicate transparently the nature of your presence.

Layer Nine, Week Three – Wednesday


Wednesday’s Focus

Try to identify energies that feel like they are both pulling and pushing you. Passive aggressive communications are examples. Where do other people’s demands or expectations feel like they want you to do something and want to punish you for not doing something? Recognize when your demands or expectations create a similar energy. Find the fear that lives in the shadows.

Wednesday’s Concepts

You are authentic because you are fully present and being yourself without resistance. When your bodies and components are in balance, you are fluid, efficient, and move effortlessly. As a review, the five bodies are physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and energetic. The seven components are focus, speed, strength, flexibility, rejuvenation, stability, and endurance.

Authenticity happens when a balanced, present, and transparent person has a clear intention. Authenticity is lacking when one or more of the bodies or components are out of balance. Authenticity doesn’t have any cross currents of energy. When you are authentic, all your bodies, components, and movements will align with your intention and your present state of being. If not aligned, the movements, direction, size, density, resonance, momentum, time, proximity, and gravity will pull you out of balance.

If you are nervous, be nervous and communicate that you are nervous. That is authentic. Being nervous and acting as if you aren’t, always comes across as inauthentic. Your nervousness is a common and shared experience. People get it. They can connect to it. It is honest. It resonates with their experiences and fears. Transparently communicating your nervousness gives your audience something to connect to.

Authenticity adds gravity by resonating a shared experience. Authentic expressions connect at a subconscious level where deeply held fears resonate without a threat of death. Authentic communication connects shared emotional triggers. People can feel and relate to your nervousness without getting nervous themselves. They can feel it without fearing it. Tear-jerkers and scary movies work on this principle.

Authenticity celebrates emotional expression and is transparently empathetic.

Inauthentic communication uses unshared emotional triggers. One of the reasons it is so hard to be empathetic with people that we have nothing in common with is because their emotional communication doesn’t resonate. We see mentally disturbed homeless people and they don’t register with our current reality … unless we soften enough to allow our deeply held fears to resonate with their current reality.

To be empathetic, you must be internally authentic. You must know yourself and not allow your subconscious mind to convince you to rationalize and validate your fears, judgments, and resistances. When you connect to your fears without trying to mitigate them, your ability to communicate empathically will skyrocket. If you are present and connected to your fear of death, you will be able to feel and relate to it in others.

Layer Nine, Week Three – Thursday


Thursday’s Focus

Identify energies that feel like they envelop, smother, or infuse. When do other people’s or the environment’s energy surround you? What do the enveloping energies feel like? What values and labels do you assign when it happens?

Thursday’s Concepts

Here is why the following level of detail and complexity matters: The more familiar you get with the ingredients, the better chance you will have of changing the outcome. I want to help you create a relationship with energy, how it moves, and how it communicates.

Mastering energetic movements will improve every aspect of your life because you will understand your motivations, fears, resistances, and habits. When you understand your energy, you will understand other’s energy. Understanding will lead to the ability to transform your world into your vision. You will change the world from the inside out.

Looking at the two hugging examples above, the level and depth of intention determined the success of the hugs. Let’s look at the bodies, components, and movements of the hesitant hug example. Put yourself in this scenario and see if you can feel these in your bodies.


Physical – Indecision would lead to tension. Hesitancy creates isometric or isotonic tension in all body parts associated with the physical movements of hugging.

Mental – Worry would imbalance by creating alternate scenarios that are projections of past and future events. You think yourself out of the moment into a bunch of other projected and fictional moments.

Emotional – The emotional body would split into feelings of empathy for GP and feelings of fear. Emotional hesitancy would imbalance by shifting some energy into expansive empathy and another part into compressive distancing.

Environmental – The should/shouldn’t energy imbalances by seeing GP as both a threat and an opportunity. That internal opposition pulls most of the energy away from the other bodies, creating an imbalance.

Energetic – Energy body will be in disarray. It will be trying to meet the demands of each of the bodies, all of which want to be primary. It will be everywhere but centered.

Layer Nine, Week Three – Friday


Friday’s Focus

This one may be the most challenging depending on your proclivities. Feel for instances where you maintain a static distance as you interact. Where do you keep people, opportunities, or potentials at a safe and measured distance? Where and how do you create boundaries? An example might be how friendly you are with your barista. How do you limit your affection and your intimacy?

Friday’s Concepts

Components: Here is how the components might configure with the hesitant hug. The seven components are focus, speed, strength, flexibility, rejuvenation, stability, and endurance. See if you can connect to how the imbalances described might feel in your body.

Focus – The intention (focus) is hugging but none of your bodies would be focusing on hugging. Your bodies focus would be on the energy of the stories.

Speed – The isometric push/pull in each of the bodies would create so much drag that it would inhibit any momentum from forming.

Strength – The lack of clear intention saps strength by adding the weight of resistance to every movement. There is no forward power because you expend an almost equal amount of energy to remain still. Indecision nullifies strength by empowering resistance.

Flexibility – Mental projections, physical tension, and the emotional split inhibit the bodies from responding to current opportunities because they are not present. They stiffen into the projections and are unaware of the opportunities present. They can’t be flexible because they have no environmental connection to adjust to.

Rejuvenation – All the indecision in each of the bodies is exhausting. A hug done with a clear intention is incredibly revitalizing for both parties. An indecisive hug taxes your energy and capacity. The push/pull in each body is exhausting and gives no time to absorb the energy of the moment.

Stability – It should be easy to see how an indecisive hug lacks stability. A clear intention has a ton of stability. You root in your trajectory, create a stable platform to move from, and don’t falter. Indecision destabilizes instantly because the intention (foundation) is unbalanced.

Endurance – Indecision is exhausting. The longer and more powerfully you are indecisive, the lower your endurance will be. Endurance requires rejuvenation. Indecision inhibits absorption of energy. Indecision drains without refilling the tank and then you run out of fuel.

Layer Nine, Week Three – Saturday


Saturday’s Focus

Can you feel a STOP energy? When do you shut things, people, conversations, interactions down? When do you feel the stop current from others? When does it feel like your environment is shutting you down or stopping all forward progress? What does a stop energy feel like in your body when it is internally generated? Externally generated?

Saturday’s Movements

Now let’s look at the movements of energy in the hesitant hug. Put yourself in this scenario and see if you can feel these in your bodies.

Direction – Indecision lacks a clear direction or creates multiple directions. Lack of a clear intention pulls and pushes bodies and components in different directions.

Size – This one is fascinating. The combined size of the projections will dwarf the size of the intention. The total size of an indecisive hug will be bigger than a clear hug but most of the size will be without beneficial result.

Density – Density is like size in this example. You will give unequal weight to the fears and projections with limited weight given to the hug. All the weight you give to the fears and projections disburses without recompense. Waffling wastes weight.

Resonance – Lack of a clear intention creates several varying wavelengths of energy. It drastically lowers the probability that a shared and harmonious resonance will evolve. The energy wavelengths projected would be one of indecision and fear, not solace and affection.

Momentum – What momentum? How far do you get when you take one step forward and one step back? Indecision creates drag which hampers impetus, incentive, and motivation.


Time – Physically time stands still, your indecision inhibits movement. Mentally and emotionally, you speed up time to account for all the scenarios you are projecting. Environmentally, you split time into unmoving and hyper-moving. You speed up the fictitious and slow down the actual. Your focus and intention exist on several different time planes as your subconscious mind tries to keep track of all the different scenarios.

Proximity – Another fascinating one! Your physical proximity will be the distance you are from the grieving party. Your mental and emotional distance will be much greater, maybe infinitely greater. When you are not present, your mind and emotions are somewhere else. You might be in some alternate reality, or reliving some past memory. You can’t mentally or emotionally get closer unless you are mentally and emotionally present.

Gravity –The fears associated with the hug will get most of the gravity. A clear intention puts the gravity on the trajectory and benefit. Indecision puts gravity on the fears.

Next week, we will discuss how direction, size, density, resonance, momentum, time, proximity, and gravity interact with your bodies and the components. When you can feel all these variables as they are happening, you will have the presence to take actions that increase benefit and reduce non-beneficial energetic transitions in yourself, others, and your environment.

Swirling Currents – Physical

Step 1 –This meditation will follow an anaerobic movement like pull-ups, push-ups, squats, or curls. If possible, find something unilateral (one-sided).

Step 2 – Do some sort of movement that is challenging and that you can only do for a dozen repetitions or for a maximum of 30 seconds before you completely fatigue.

Step 3 – After the movement, sit, close your eyes, and feel for the swirling currents of energy around the muscle group you fatigued.

Step 4 – Track the qualities of energy movement. Feel for different styles of energy movement like pulling, pushing, radiating, circulating, and of course, swirling.

Step 5 – The energy movement might feel like familiar sensations you haven’t previously understood.

Step 6 – Allow for the possibility that the swirling currents exist.

Step 7 – Give yourself an opportunity to feel yours. It may not happen right away, but with perseverance, it will happen.

Why it Matters – Before you gain the empathetic ability to correctly discern the movement of physical energy in others, you must feel your physical energy moving. Knowing what your energy movements feel like will also serve as a forewarning to mental and emotional transitions.

Everyday Usability – The qualities of moving energy will tell you a lot about why energy is moving and if it is beneficial. Reactive energy moves differently than responsive energy. The energy of fear feels different than the energy of playfulness, confidence, or opportunity.

Progression – Pick a muscle group (like your right bicep) and do this until you begin to feel some of the qualities of moving energy. Next, pick another muscle group and then work your way through your body. Get to know every muscle group in your body before you start trying to discern the energy movements in others.

Voiding Fear Reactions

Step 1 –Find yourself a comfortable seat. Allow yourself to settle and soften. Feel yourself revitalizing, balancing, and getting present. Take a few deep breaths.

Step 2 – Bring to mind, emotions, and body some previous reaction or a typical trigger. Anything that you fear or that makes you angry, sad, frustrated, or grieving.

Step 3 – After you bring it to mind, configure your other bodies to it. Feel it physically, emotionally, and energetically. Allow your systems to react as if it were happening now.

Step 4 – Become aware of the swirling energy flows in and around your body.

Step 5 – Allow the energy to flow and identify the qualities in each of your body areas.

Step 6 – After you have identified the energy flows, begin to do a contrasting movement for each of your body parts. Do physical countermovements.

Step 7 – After you do the physical movements, do mental and emotional countermovements. Feel and bring in contrasting thoughts and emotions. Find a memory that is poignant, happy, or that was incredibly fun and fulfilling. Allow all your bodies to reconfigure in a measured, controlled, and balanced way.

Step 8 – As you reconfigure to the new energy, feel yourself getting more centered.

Step 9 – When you are reconfigured, take a few more deeeeep breaths.

Why it Matters – Having a way to let go of fear will help you be fearful less. The less time you spend in a reactive state, the better your life will be. Fear deflates and fatigues, creates distance, and inhibits connection and intimacy.

Everyday Usability – How much time and energy you spend in a triggered and fearful space is a choice. You may not be able to always keep yourself from getting triggered, but after you are, you can choose to let go and rebalance.

Progression – After you have success on the couch, try it in the moment. Maybe at first, when you find yourself triggered and alone. Next, try it if you find yourself triggered in a group and then, finally, in a one on one situation.

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