Layer Eighteen, Week Three- Sunday
- Read Week Three Concepts
- Watch videos and read description for Detecting Auras
- Do Movement – Detecting Auras
Sunday’s Focus
Feel for sensations in your skin, muscles, and joints. Connect to the influence those sensations are having. How are the sensations changing how you feel, what you think about, or what you do?
Sunday’s Concepts
Here is a quick recap for the first two weeks of Layer 18:
Energy is fuel for each of your bodies, components, thoughts, emotions, memories, interactions, relationships, etc. Chakras are the structure that contain and funnel the fuel. Auras are the area influenced by the potential of the fuel.
Energy has an infinite number of levels of specificity and a corresponding number of levels of generality. An apple starts off as general energy and then gets specific as it is digested and turned into fuel. Energy is potential and potential can grow, shrink, divide, congeal, disperse, compress, etc.
Energy assimilates into your systems through chakras. Every thought, emotion, interaction, belief, and memory will have an associated chakra of varying sizes determined by current energy requirements.
Each of the major chakras taps into the Central Power Channel or Sushumna like funnels draining into a pipe. The Sushumna distributes the energy throughout the bodies to allow for the transference of energy from one body or area to another.
The field influenced by the energy of the chakra is the aura. The larger the chakra, the greater the influence and the bigger the aura. As you transition from one state of being to another, your chakras and auras change to meet the new energy requirements. They either get more general or specific. They increase or decrease in energy. And when they do, their influence changes. (End recap)
Monday’s Focus
Take some extra time during meals. How does food influence you? How does taste influence you? Can you feel how past and future food experiences influence the present? Think about your favorite food. Does the thought cause a physical response in your body? That is the aura of the thought causing you to salivate.
Monday’s Concepts
You have learned a lot about energy configurations. You have read about the bodies, components, and energy flows. You have read about how you configure yourself for every situation – how you transform each of your bodies and components to meet current threats, familiarities, and opportunities. If you have a thought, that thought becomes a configuration. The configuration contains energy. The chakra is the structure that holds the energy. When the thought passes, the chakra dissolves.
If you were to take a snapshot of those configurations in any instant, each of your bodies, components, and energies would appear static. Just for that instant, like an old-time photograph, the shutter clicks, the film exposes, and in that instant, your configurations would be preserved for all eternity.
In each snapshot, there would be snapshot sub-versions. There would be a sub-version for each of your bodies, components, and configurations. A sub-version for your subconscious mind, conscious mind, Hara, and Essence. A sub-version would exist for each of your relationships, configurations, and interactions.
From one instant to the next, one or more of your configurations change. You create a new energetic version of you in every instant in each of your bodies, chakras, auras, and configurations. A new you is created in every instant.
Each energetic version will configure differently. The balance between them will change with each version. The versions linger. They continue to exist in what you perceive as memories. Emotions arise as we have awareness and give value to past instants. Past versions influence future versions. Your resistance to going to the gym yesterday will influence your gym attendance today. These past instances tether you to the past.
You have the ability to configure yourself differently in every instant. You can decide how much energy you are going to place on the past or the future. You can decide in every instant if you want to continue your habits, patterns, beliefs, fears, and resistances. You can decide if you want to be the old you or a new you with every movement you make.
Tuesday’s Focus
Feel the energetic influence touch has. Touch varying textures and objects. How do familiar objects influence you differently than unfamiliar? Feel your favorite and least favorite pants, shoes, and spatulas. How do clean sheets feel different and how does that influence you?
Tuesday’s Concepts
Here is an example. It’s the holiday season in Central Oregon. I am seeing lots of cars with Christmas trees strapped to their roof. Each time I see one, I change. The sight alters my auras and energy configuration. Christmas trees evoke memories, they rehydrate old versions of me. My configurations change to include those old versions. I also project future versions of me that are averse to heading to the woods to chop down a tree. I remember that my neighbor, Bill, digs up a small tree, puts it in a pot, and then plants it in his yard after the holidays. That remembrance influences how I feel about cartop trees.
The me in this instant drags with me the me from previous instances and projects future instant versions of me. Phases of the moon might be a visual that you can use. In every instant, the past and future instances of me are present, phasing in and out – influencing my perceptions of the current moment.
I know I am sensitive to the word Asshole. When I hear it, it transports me back to a previous relationship where it was THE trigger word. I resurrect the past influence in the current moment and allow it to change my configuration. Then, I give the current instance more value by projecting future possibilities into the current moment.
I can choose how much influence those past and future influences have by maintaining an awareness of my configurations. If I love Christmas trees, I can encourage and upwell my affection to influence my present state of being. If I know I am sensitive to certain words, I can moderate my reaction when I hear them.
Wednesday’s Focus
Touch each of your body parts individually for 10-15 seconds. Feel for the influence each part has on your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. How do your components change as you make your way to each part?
Wednesday’s Concepts
When you are in a very fluid and balanced configuration, the versions of you are in-sync, moving as one. When one or more of the versions of you are out of balanced, they pull, push, stop, fragment, redirect, compress, expand, contract, or stagnate the other versions.
When past versions are given an unbalanced amount of value, they unduly influence current potential. If I have a traumatic memory of a Christmas tree falling and trapping me in balls, popcorn strings, and tinsel, I will be influenced and react to that residual energy. Memory is the encroachment of past instants onto the present instant.
Trauma, and its aura, are strong influences when you choose, consciously or subconsciously, to give them value – more value, more energy, larger chakra, fuller aura … more influence. My chances of being trapped by a Christmas tree are about the same as my winning the lottery. There is no current threat and no value need by given.
Passion can influence you in a similar way but with very different results. Find something you are passionate about. You will find your energies will align and stay aligned with a bias toward movement, curiosity, and discovery. Your Hara directs your passion and you infuse it with your Essence. Passion creates momentum, balance, and fluidity.
Thursday’s Focus
As you change environments, feel for changing influences. How does your bedroom feel different than the kitchen? Outside of your car and inside the car? Parking lot and inside of store/bank/work? How does a restaurant influence you before and after you eat?
Thursday’s Concepts
Trauma, passion, memory, intention, value, and movement are all configurations. They are the result or by-product of energy in a chakra and the influencing force of the aura. They are all constructs – ideas, beliefs, sets of feelings, and held energies that share some level of specificity. You have trauma about something. You are passionate about something. You have an intention with boundaries. The chakra is the container for the constructs.
“I’m going to the grocery store, but I am not going down the spaghetti aisle” is a construct. It takes an idea and gives it some structure. There is a complex energy here. The intention to shop, the intention to not shop pasta, and all the associated fears, beliefs, and habits. When you make the initial statement, a chakra is created which generates an aura. The idea gains influence as you add energy to it. After you leave the store, that chakra and its associated energy is transformed into something else.
Love, kindness, intimacy, collaboration, relationship, habits, dysfunctions, beliefs – are also results of chakra energy and auric influence. We feel love because it lingers. Intimacy is fluid but it has a foundation, an established structure, that doesn’t need to rebuild in every familiar encounter.
Habits stay habits because your system gets proficient at creating those particular energy constructs (chakras). Most relationships persist because they are habits, not because they are the most beneficial choice you can make. When you go to the grocery store, most of what you will do, think, and feel is automatic and happens without a conscious decision. Your system creates going to the store chakras that mimic previous visits. You buy what you normally buy and resist better choices.
Friday’s Focus
Find a willing partner and explore the influence of touch on each other. What is the difference between someone roughly grabbing your elbow and gently caressing your face? What influence does the intent to grab or caress have?
Friday’s Concepts
I love the word sculpt and if feels perfect for what I am going to describe. Energy has potential, like a block of clay or uncarved stone.
You have the ability to sculpt energy into chakras. You can set value on everything in your life and then determine actions based on long-term benefits. You can change the influence that everything in your world has by changing the configuration of your chakras. Your habit of going to the grocery store can evolve. You can choose to ride your bike to and from, prioritize fruits and veggies, only buy things without ingredient lists, etc. You can use your grocery store visit as the prompt to go to the gym first. You can alter the constructs of your life.
Constructs – energy, chakras, and auras – can change instantly. Every single one. Some things like trauma, habits, and relationships will take time, focus, effort, and a good deal of healthy discomfort but they will change.
Kindness does not need to be limited by belief, history, memory, or projection. It can arise from a conscious desire and look for occasions to direct that intent as possibilities arise. You can grow your kindness chakra, which will increase the size of its aura, which will increase its influence. When you radiate the aura of kindness, things that would benefit from your kindness will resonate. You will be much more able to perceive the potential, possibilities, and future opportunities to be kind.
You will use your conscious mind, Hara, and Essence to sculpt energy into chakras and auras. That sculpted energy will influence you, others, and the world around you.
You wake up in the morning and the day is a block of clay. As the day progresses that energy is molded, spent, and replenished to varying degrees. To the degree you are habitual, your results will be habitual. Change alters your results. Sculpted change can create magnificent and enchanting results.
Imagine sculpting every day as if you knew going in, that you had one chance to be glorious, to get the most out of every minute, to boldly go where your subconscious fears have never gone before – to be creative, authentic, intimate, innovative, and bold.
You can sculpt everything you do. Got a dentist appointment? How can you sculpt it to get an inconceivable amount of joy, playfulness, fulfillment, and collaboration? About to have a conversation with a potential client or loved one? Sculpt it!
Have a story or limiting belief about yourself or some aspect of your life, re-sculpt it. Got trauma? Sculpt that energy to fuel your global visions and highest aspirations. What non-productive or non-beneficial habit do you have that you can reimagine and sculpt into something currently inconceivable?
Saturday’s Focus
Feel for the influence, aura, of people around you. What influences you about them. What resonates, is dissonant, or has no influence? How do you feel drawn or repulsed? Feel for the boundaries of that influence. How close do you have to be to be influenced?
Saturday’s Concepts
Your chakras and auras are also your energy body’s sensory input. Chakras allow you to feel the energies they absorb, and your auras allow you to feel the resonances or dissonance of other auras.
Empathy is the ability to feel auras and their changing influences. It is the ability to discern those electromagnetic fields by sensorily detecting and interpreting energy constructs, fields, and movements.
Sculpting requires a change in configuration. What you will reconfigure is your chakras. Changing chakra configurations commences after feeling familiar fuel flows. You feel energy moving and redirect it.
The process begins when you create a relationship with the energy coming in and out of your body. It requires the tactile feeling of balance, resistance, momentum, and transition. You will feel the energy of your chakras, the feeling of your aura’s influence and the energy and influence of the chakras and auras around you.
Read that last paragraph again. It is the blueprint for the Layers to come.
The last three weeks movements are the start. As you learn about the chakras and feel their presence, you will also begin to feel the influence of the associated auras and how those auras affect your global aura and the aura of your proximity.
Next week, you will explore how energy configurations influence chakras and auras.
Detecting Auras
Step 1 – Find some time in a place that is quiet and with a low level of distraction.
Step 2 – Sit and adjust your posture so that your ears are over your shoulder and your shoulders over your hips. Find an erect and stable posture.
Step 3 – Take a couple of deep breaths and allow yourself to settle and soften.
Step 4 – Bring your hand in front of you, palms facing each other, and begin to move them together and apart.
Step 5 – Feel for the energy residing emanating from each hand and the connection of that energy.
Why it Matters – Auras are the range, strength, and depth of influence of the energy around you. When you can feel energy as influence, you will be able to feel the underlying intentions and configurations in your relationships and environments.
Everyday Usability –Detecting auras will help you communicate empathetically. You will be able to feel what is most important or of greatest value to those around you.
Progression – Next week, you will begin exploring the sensory interaction between your chakras and your auras.